In communication, greeting someone by asking how they are can be expressed in various ways, each suited to different contexts.
Explore creative and meaningful alternatives to the classic “How are you” with this guide. Discover unique phrases that add a personal touch to your conversations, making them more engaging and thoughtful. Perfect for casual chats, formal settings, or reaching out to someone special.
Whether you’re writing to a colleague, a friend, or someone you’ve just met, choosing the right phrase can set the tone of the conversation. Below are alternative ways to say “How are you” in English, each with a scenario example.
List Of Ways to Say ‘How Are You’ in English
- How Have You Been?
- What’s New with You?
- How’s Everything Going?
- How Are Things?
- How’s Life Treating You?
- How Are You Holding Up?
- How’s Everything on Your End?
- What’s Going On?
- How’s Your Day Going?
- How Have You Been Feeling Lately?
- What’s Been Going On in Your World?
- How’s Everything Been?
- How Are Things Going for You?
- How’s Everything on Your Side?
- What’s Been Happening with You?
- How Are You These Days?
- How Are Things Going Lately?
- How Have Things Been on Your End?
- What’s Up?
- What’s Happening?
1. How Have You Been?
Scenario: Email to an old friend
Hi Mia,
It’s been a while since we last caught up! How have you been? I’ve been thinking about the time we spent together during that summer vacation, and it brought back so many memories. I’d love to hear what’s new with you—what you’re working on, how life is treating you, and if you have any upcoming travel plans.
Let’s try to meet soon if you’re free. I miss our chats!
Warm regards,
Expert Tip: Use this phrase when reconnecting with someone after a long period of time. It shows genuine interest in their life since you last saw them.
2. What’s New with You?
Scenario: Text message to a close friend
Hey Mia,
What’s new with you? It feels like forever since we hung out. Are you still working on that big project you mentioned? I’ve been super busy with work lately, but I’m finally catching a break. We should grab coffee sometime this week if you’re available!
Hope all is well.
Expert Tip: This casual way of asking ‘How are you’ works well with close friends or family. It’s informal, but shows interest in any recent developments in their life.
3. How’s Everything Going?
Scenario: Email to a colleague
Hi Mia,
I hope this email finds you well. How’s everything going with the project on your end? I know we’ve been working hard on the new campaign, and I wanted to check in to see if you needed any support from my side.
Let’s schedule a quick catch-up call if you have time later this week. I look forward to hearing how things are progressing.
Expert Tip: This is a professional yet friendly way to inquire about both work and personal well-being without crossing boundaries. It’s perfect for colleagues or acquaintances.
4. How Are Things?
Scenario: Conversation with a neighbor
Hi Mia,
I haven’t seen you around much lately. How are things? I hope everything is going well for you and your family. I saw you working on your garden last weekend, and it looks amazing!
We should catch up over coffee sometime soon.
Take care,
Expert Tip: Use this phrase in casual face-to-face conversations or text messages. It works well in both social and professional environments.
5. How’s Life Treating You?
Scenario: Phone call to an old friend
Hey Mia,
It’s been so long since we last spoke! How’s life treating you? I’ve been meaning to call for a while but got swamped with work. I’d love to hear what you’ve been up to and how everything is going in your world.
Let’s make plans to catch up soon. Miss you!
Expert Tip: This phrase adds a casual and light-hearted tone, making it ideal for informal conversations with friends or people you’re close to.
6. How Are You Holding Up?
Scenario: Message to a friend going through a tough time
Hi Mia,
I’ve been thinking about you a lot these past few days. How are you holding up? I know things have been tough lately, and I just wanted to check in and let you know I’m here for you.
Please don’t hesitate to reach out if you need anything or just want to talk. I’m always a call or text away.
With love,
Expert Tip: This phrase is more sensitive and should be used when someone might be going through a challenging time. It shows empathy and concern.
7. How’s Everything on Your End?
Scenario: Work-related email
Hi Mia,
I hope you’re doing well. How’s everything on your end? We’re wrapping up the final touches on the proposal, and I wanted to check in with you to see if you had any updates or changes on your side.
Let me know if you need anything from me. Looking forward to your feedback!
Expert Tip: Perfect for business or professional conversations, this phrase allows you to ask about someone’s work progress while also inquiring about their well-being.
8. What’s Going On?
Scenario: Casual chat with a friend
Hey Mia,
What’s going on? I haven’t heard from you in a bit. How’s everything going at work? Any exciting news to share? I’m finally settling into my new job, and it’s been a whirlwind!
Let’s catch up this weekend if you’re free!
Talk soon,
Expert Tip: This is an informal, conversational way to check in with someone. It’s relaxed and perfect for texting or quick conversations.
9. How’s Your Day Going?
Scenario: Text to a coworker
Hi Mia,
How’s your day going? I was just about to grab some lunch and thought I’d see if you were free to join. Work’s been pretty hectic on my end, but a little break would be nice.
Let me know if you’re up for it!
Expert Tip: This phrase is ideal for short conversations during the day, especially when you want to check in without sounding too formal.
10. How Have You Been Feeling Lately?
Scenario: Message to a friend recovering from illness
Hi Mia,
I’ve been thinking about you since we last spoke. How have you been feeling lately? I know recovery can be slow, but I hope you’re taking it easy and getting the rest you need.
If you need anything, even just someone to chat with, don’t hesitate to reach out.
Wishing you a speedy recovery!
Expert Tip: This is perfect when speaking to someone who has been unwell or going through a challenging time. It shows care and thoughtfulness.
11. What’s Been Going On in Your World?
Scenario: Email to a friend
Hey Mia,
I’ve missed our chats! What’s been going on in your world? It feels like ages since we last had a proper conversation, and I’d love to hear all about what you’ve been up to. Anything new or exciting happening?
Let’s find a time to catch up soon.
Expert Tip: This is a great way to express genuine curiosity about someone’s life, especially if you haven’t been in touch for a while.
12. How’s Everything Been?
Scenario: Message to a former colleague
Hi Mia,
It’s been a while! How’s everything been? I hope you’ve been doing well since you left the company. I’ve heard a lot of good things about the new team you’re working with!
I’d love to catch up and hear about how things are going for you in this new chapter.
Best regards,
Expert Tip: This phrase works when reconnecting with someone after a transition or change. It shows interest without being too formal.
13. How Are Things Going for You?
Scenario: Message to a family member
Hi Mia,
I was thinking about you today and just wanted to check in. How are things going for you? I know you’ve been busy with work and everything, but I hope you’re taking some time to relax.
Let’s catch up when you have a moment!
Take care,
Expert Tip: This phrase is versatile and can be used with family members, friends, or even coworkers. It’s casual yet caring.
14. How’s Everything on Your Side?
Scenario: Work-related email
Hi Mia,
I hope you’re having a productive week. How’s everything on your side? We’re almost ready to present the final draft, but I wanted to check in and see if you had any feedback or revisions.
Let me know if there’s anything you need. Looking forward to hearing from you!
Expert Tip: This is a professional way to inquire about someone’s work progress while also keeping the conversation friendly.
15. What’s Been Happening with You?
Scenario: Text to a friend
Hey Mia,
What’s been happening with you? I haven’t seen you in a while, and I’m curious to know what you’ve been up to. Are you still working on that art project?
Let’s catch up soon, I’d love to hear more!
Expert Tip: This phrase is informal and works well in a casual setting, particularly when you want to know what someone has been up to recently.
16. How Are You These Days?
Scenario: Email to a distant relative
Hi Mia,
It’s been so long since we last spoke! How are you these days? I’ve been thinking about the last family reunion and how much fun we had. How is everything going with you?
Let’s plan to catch up soon. I miss our family gatherings!
Warm regards,
Expert Tip: This phrase works well for reconnecting with someone after a longer period of time and can be used with friends, family, or acquaintances.
17. How Are Things Going Lately?
Scenario: Email to a coworker
Hi Mia,
I hope you’re having a good week so far. How are things going lately? I know the project deadlines are coming up, and I wanted to see if you needed any help from my side.
Let me know if you need any assistance. Looking forward to hearing from you.
Expert Tip: This is a professional yet friendly way to check in with a coworker, especially if you’re collaborating on a project.
18. How Have Things Been on Your End?
Scenario: Email to a long-distance friend
Hi Mia,
I’ve been meaning to write to you for a while. How have things been on your end? I miss our long chats and would love to hear about how everything is going with you.
We should catch up soon!
Expert Tip: This phrase is ideal for long-distance friendships or relationships where you don’t get to talk as often but want to keep up with someone’s life.
19. What’s Up?
Scenario: Casual text to a friend
Hey Mia,
What’s up? Just wanted to check in and see how you’re doing. It’s been a hectic week for me, but I’m finally free this weekend.
Let me know if you’re up for hanging out!
Talk soon,
Expert Tip: This phrase is very informal and works well for texting or casual conversations with close friends or acquaintances.
20. What’s Happening?
Scenario: Casual conversation at an event
Hey Mia,
What’s happening? I haven’t seen you around in a while! How are things going with your new job? I heard you’ve been traveling a lot lately.
We should grab a drink after this event and catch up properly.
Expert Tip: This phrase is best for informal conversations and works well when you’re catching up in person or through a quick message.