Roll or Role – Common Grammar Mistake

The words roll and role are often confused because they are homophones (they sound the same) but have entirely different meanings and uses. Understanding the difference between these two words is crucial for clear communication, as using one in place of the other can lead to confusing or awkward sentences.

Understanding the difference between roll and role can improve your communication. Roll refers to movement, such as “to roll a ball,” or a list, like a “class roll.” Role signifies a position or responsibility, such as an actor’s role in a play. Use each word appropriately!

 Let’s dive into their definitions, usage, examples, and some strategies to avoid making this common grammar mistake.

Meaning Of Roll

Definition: The word roll can be used as both a noun and a verb. It generally refers to the action of something turning over itself or moving in a circular motion, but it can also be used in the context of lists, items, or even food (like a bread roll).

Common Uses:

  • Verb: To move by turning over and over (e.g., a ball rolling down the hill).
  • Noun: A small, round piece of bread or a list or roster of names.

Examples of “Roll” in Sentences:

  1. Rolling a Ball: Mia watched as the soccer ball rolled down the hill after she missed her kick.
    • Scenario: Mia and Hannah were playing soccer at the park, and Mia accidentally kicked the ball too hard, sending it rolling away.
  2. Bread Roll: For lunch, I had a ham sandwich with a buttered roll on the side.
    • Scenario: During a lunch break, Hannah decided to enjoy a fresh roll alongside her salad.
  3. Roll Call: The teacher called roll to make sure all the students were present.
    • Scenario: At the start of the school day, Mrs. Johnson took roll to check if any students were absent.
  4. Rolling a Dice: Before his turn in the board game, Mark had to roll the dice.
    • Scenario: While playing Monopoly, Mark hoped for a lucky roll to land on the property he wanted to buy.
  5. Tide Roll: The waves of the ocean began to roll gently towards the shore.
    • Scenario: Hannah and Mia sat on the beach, watching the tide slowly roll in during a peaceful afternoon by the sea.
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Meaning Of Role

Definition: The word role is a noun and refers to a part someone plays in a specific situation, especially in a job, social setting, or a theatrical performance. It can describe responsibilities or the part a person has in a movie or play.

Common Uses:

  • A function or position someone holds in a company, organization, or group.
  • A character or part an actor plays in a movie, play, or TV show.

Examples of “Role” in Sentences:

  1. Job Role: Hannah’s role at the company is to manage client relations.
    • Scenario: After being promoted, Hannah took on the role of managing all key clients to ensure smooth communication and satisfaction.
  2. Character Role: Mia was excited to land the lead role in her school’s production of Romeo and Juliet.
    • Scenario: Mia had been rehearsing for weeks and was thrilled to play Juliet, the most important role in the play.
  3. Parental Role: Being a parent is one of the most challenging roles a person can have.
    • Scenario: During a conversation, Mia reflected on how much responsibility comes with the role of being a mother.
  4. Societal Role: Everyone in the community plays a vital role in maintaining peace and cooperation.
    • Scenario: At a community meeting, the local mayor discussed how every citizen has an important role in creating a better town.
  5. Leadership Role: Sarah has been given a leadership role in organizing the upcoming charity event.
    • Scenario: After years of volunteering, Sarah was asked to take on a key role in leading the event planning team.

Table: Differentiating “Roll” and “Role”

WordDefinitionPart of SpeechContextExample
RollTo move by turning over or a small round objectNoun/VerbMovement, food, lists“The ball rolled down the hill.”
RoleA part someone plays in a situation or jobNounJob position, characters in plays“She played the role of Juliet in the play.”

Tips for Remembering the Difference

  1. Roll = Movement or Object:
    • If you’re talking about something moving in a circular way or referring to an item like a list or a small piece of bread, use roll.
    • Memory Tip: Think of roll as something that can actually physically “move” or “turn.”
  2. Role = Job or Function:
    • When you’re discussing a person’s job, character in a play, or the function someone performs in a particular setting, use role.
    • Memory Tip: Associate role with responsibility or acting—it’s a specific part or function that someone fills.
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How To Avoid the Common Mistakes

  • Using “Roll” When You Mean “Role”: A typical error is using “roll” when discussing a job or function. For example, “His roll in the company is vital” is incorrect. The correct sentence is “His role in the company is vital” because you’re referring to his job or function, not an object that rolls.
  • Using “Role” When You Mean “Roll”: Similarly, don’t use “role” when talking about movement or a circular object. For example, “The ball role down the hill” is incorrect. The correct version is “The ball rolled down the hill.”


Understanding the difference between roll and role is key to ensuring your writing is clear and accurate. To recap:

  • Roll involves movement, turning, or a small round item.
  • Role refers to a function or job someone has, particularly in professional, social, or theatrical contexts.

By paying attention to the context in which you’re using these words, you can avoid common mistakes and ensure your communication is precise.

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